Sunday, May 26, 2013

We Have Bikes!

Since we got back from class at 3:30pm, we had just enough time to walk to the bike store before it closed at 4pm. Luckily we were at the bike store yesterday, so finding our way there after class was relatively easy. Victory, we rented bikes! Inspired and ready to go, we got on our bikes before quickly realizing that we had no idea where to go. Long story short, we got lost, but it sure was fun! We biked circles and circles and ended up on the opposite side of the city. This was where we had started our DIS orientation just yesterday, and the train station was across the street. After hours of biking and realizing we were over 5 miles away, we decided to take the train back. But we had no idea what train to get on and where to get off. We had a map, but if you don't know where you are on the map or where you need to go, the map is virtually useless. There we were sitting in the middle of the sidewalk outside the train station looking at a map. After at least 15 minutes we found our street, but we still needed to figure out which stop to get off at and which stop we were currently at. What I would have given for google maps at that moment. I just feel so fortunate that I've found friends like Lindsay and Natalie that are relaxed, down to earth, and don't mind getting lost in a foreign city. How we managed to stay awake this long after getting only a few hours of sleep, I couldn't tell you, be we finally made it back to Tåsingegade. By the end of the day my butt was sore, my belly was grumbling, and I was ready to sleep for at least 12 hours. First things first, we stopped by the store downstairs to get groceries to make green beans, chicken, and potatoes for dinner. Still in my clothes and makeup, I lay down in bed and don't remember anything after my head hit the pillow.

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